April 13, 2009

Intarwebs intarvention

Hi, my name is Kali and I'm an addict. Yesterday, I blew off an incredibly lovely, albeit windy, spring afternoon by succumbing to the lure of the intarwebs. I said I would just sit down and quickly check my e-mail. Two message boards, Facebook, a bunch of blogs, and several RSS feeds later, it was less than an hour before sunset and I also had housework to do. I may be (hopefully) keeping my brain sharp with all of this stuff, but the body's getting soft and that just won't do.

It's time to impose some limits. I won't be going away entirely, as there are too many people around the web that I've connected with and I want to maintain those connections. But I also need to find a better balance between time on-line and time doing all the other stuff that rounds out one's life. So, to anyone to whom I currently owe a reply-- please be patient, it's going to take me even longer than usual to get back to you.

As for you, intarwebs... It's not goodbye, it's just au revoir.


  1. Well, I sympathize and understand, but will definitely miss your words. Certainly this time of year is not one where you want to be chained to the computer!

  2. Good move! I was forced-fought into this step by Alberto (constant nagging about my computer time eventually broke me) and I agreed to rehab. I'm eternally grateful for his intervention now. Happy balance - it's like with everything else in life. But I can still feel the urge sometimes. It's not easy to come off this drug so be prepared for relapses. :-)

  3. Owens Creek doesn't open for another couple of weeks. We camped across the road at Houck, which was pretty nice, with the noted exception of certain other campers. Of course I would've been in heaven had the place been deserted, but you just can't expect that from car camping. Have you been getting out and about more?
