February 15, 2009

Spreading the sanity meme...

Got this from Jim over at Unholy Rouleur (who is smart, thoughtful, and funny, so go read his stuff):

What can you say to that? It just makes too much sense and should be required viewing by everyone. (To give credit where it's due, here's where Jim snagged his link.)


  1. So funny! And so on the money!

  2. Wow - I'm sending that clip to everyone I know. Spot on.

    And Kali - I've spent hours browsing your blog today (like I don't already spend enough time online....thanks a lot - lol). I could've commented so many times, but well...I was too lazy. hah! ;)

  3. As bad as my own intarwebs addiction is, I have to say I take a perverse pride in knowing I've fed someone else's ;) Thanks for letting me know!
