February 24, 2013

Another day at the museum: The BMA, 2/24/13

Cozy cold marble lions,
Buds like pussy-willow rabbit's foots.
Sun's gold not yet summer molten, 
Lazing in a city statue garden.
Temple, fortress, circled stairs inside.
Warm marble rings,
Reds and blacks to weep over.
Sounds with eight minute silence.
Looking for meaning behind creation.
Wanting to touch creation--
Would it convey meaning,
or only tactile pleasing?
The sun's golden warmth is intangible,
but elevates just as much. 


  1. Thank you. I'm not sure that I do, but we're always our own worst critics, aren't we?

  2. Oh, and for some reason I'm not able to post comments over at your place. Some sort of password issue with Wordpress that I hope to get fixed sometime soon.

  3. Yes, we are definitely our own worst critics...I will agree there!

    I thought there was a way to post without a password, but maybe I am wrong...I'm usually logged in when reading Wordpress blogs so I'm not sure.
