August 6, 2009

Farewell to a hero

Anyone who follows the Fat Cyclist blog most likely knows by now that Susan Nelson passed away last night. For those folks who have no idea what I'm talking about, here's the story as of 2007. And things went crazily downhill from there. For long periods, Susan would seem to be stable, and then they'd get horrendous news like this. By the time Elden posted this recent update, it was apparent that Susan's battle was drawing to an end. Even so, the news this morning was a surprise that left me in tears at my computer.

As I commented over at his sister Jodi's blog, Pistols & Popcorn, Elden's posts about Susan's battle have served so many times to help me regain perspective when I've lost focus due to stressful situations. I'm so very sorry for what they went through, for what he and the kids are going through now, yet at the same time I'm incredibly grateful that they had the courage to share it with all of Elden's readers. He and Susan will always be my heroes.


  1. i visited their blog... really a sad story... but courageous...

    yes such people are heroes... we learn from them not to give up easily...

    so sorry my dear friend for this loss...

    peace to you

  2. such a moving tribute... as with HB above... sorry for this loss... you are a light... hope that you're well friend...

  3. KD, I'm glad you posted these links. What love and deep courage of Elden, Susan and their family.

    Heartbreaking story, yet uplifting at the same time. Thank you.


  4. Thank you for the comments, I'm so glad that you all read Elden's posts. There are times when I wish the entire world had followed the Fat Cyclist blog through this ordeal. The strength and grace shown by Susan and Elden was tremendously matched by the compassion and generosity of his readers. Such a wonderful example for us all, and a reminder of how good the human race can be.
